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BYD and Shell partner on EV charging across China and Europe

2022-04-12     AP NEWS

Beijing, China – BYD and Shell have signed a strategic cooperation agreement to help accelerate the energy transition and improve charging experience for BYD’s battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) customers, enlarging customer value. The partnership will start in China and Europe and will extend to other regions across the globe.


A BYD Han EV at Shell Recharge site

Based on the agreement, BYD and Shell will collaborate in the areas below:

· For private and commercial customers of BYD’s BEVs and PHEVs, BYD and Shell will form a pan-European Mobility Service Provider (MSP) partnership, offering them membership access to 275,000 charging points through Shell roaming network. Both BYD and Shell will also jointly develop Fleet Solutions and Depot Charging services for BYD customers in Europe.

· Both companies will seek to provide integrated home energy solutions such as dynamic tariff scheduling, solar integration, home batteries, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) charging in different regions across the world.

· Both parties will explore opportunities to build BYD-Shell EV hubs in key European markets, providing customers with the experience of BYD premium designs and advanced new energy vehicle technologies, as well as seamless charging and digital services jointly developed by both parties for greater user experience.

· Both BYD and Shell will refer customers to participate in the Accelerate to Zero (A2Z) decarbonisation programme, which enables corporate fleets to reduce emissions to zero and net-zero across various markets in Europe.

· Both BYD and Shell intend to collaborate on global research and development in the areas of battery performance and advanced charging.

· Globally, Shell will seek to help BYD generate cost-saving and better hardware performance with Shell E-Fluids and coolants.

Both parties also intend to form a joint venture to develop EV charging networks across China. The joint venture is expected to operate a network of more than 10,000 charging points in Shenzhen, China, with a plan to expand to more locations in China.

Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD said, “The automotive industry is undergoing significant centurial changes, and the development of new energy vehicles is an irresistible trend. Shell is the world's leading energy company, with businesses worldwide, making extraordinary contributions to meeting growing energy demands. BYD is willing to sincerely cooperate with Shell and seize the historic chance of new energy vehicles, providing consumers with high-quality service in charging facilities and new energy vehicles consumption and creating vital development opportunities.”

István Kapitány, Global Executive Vice President of Shell Mobility said, “Shell has significant ambitions to both grow our Mobility business in China as well as to help drivers globally to decarbonise by switching to EVs. This partnership represents a significant step forward in both of these ambitions. Together with BYD, we want to deliver a charging experience that is as fast, convenient and comfortable as possible. Both our brands support innovations that enrich the experience of our customers around the world, and this partnership offers exciting opportunities to make the EV experience even better.”

John Lee, Secretary of the BYD Board, General Manager of BYD Investment Division said, “Shell is a world-renowned longevous brand, dedicated to providing more and cleaner energy solutions to power progress; BYD is a global leader in the new energy industry, who endeavored to make continuous technological innovations for a better life. Shell and BYD have similar mission and can complement each other in many ways. The cooperation in charging business is just a beginning. In the future, with the powerful alliance between us, I believe there will be enormous opportunities of our collaborations.”

Jason Wong, Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China said, “China is the leader in electric vehicle manufacturing and adoption globally. A total of more than 3.5 million electric cars and plug-in hybrids were sold in 2021, up about 160 percent from 2020. The new infrastructure of EV charging will be much needed. We are glad to collaborate with BYD to explore opportunities in expanding the EV charging network in China and continuously improve charging experience for EV customers. By working with more partners collectively we will be able to build an ecosystem to accelerate the energy transition and make contributions to China’s 2030 and 2060 carbon targets.”

About BYD

BYD (Build Your Dreams), a Warren Buffet-backed company, is a multinational high-tech company devoted to leveraging technological innovations for a better life. BYD is a relentless advocate of sustainable development, successfully expanding its renewable energy solutions, including Auto, Electronics, New Energy, and Rail Transit globally, with operations in more than 400 cities in over 70 countries and regions overseas. Its creation of a Zero Emissions Energy Solution, comprising affordable solar power generation, reliable energy storage, and cutting-edge electrified transportation, has made it an industry leader in the energy and transportation sectors. With industry-leading technologies such as the Blade Battery, DM-i super hybrid technology, and the e-platform, BYD sold nearly 600,000 electric passenger vehicles in 2021 and had achieved a cumulative production and sales volume of electric passenger vehicles over 1.5 million units.

About Shell

Shell is the world’s largest mobility retailer by number of service stations – over 46,000 locations in around 80 markets worldwide. Shell intends to operate more than 500,000 EV charge points worldwide by 2025, including more than 30,000 Shell Recharge charge points at Shell forecourts and destinations such as supermarkets.


Asia-Pacific: Mia Gu, tel: +86-755-8988-8888-69666

Europe: Penny Peng, tel: +31-102070888

North America: Frank Girardot, tel: +1 213 245 6503

Latin America: Sofίa Mardones, tel: +56 9 9821 6851

Brazil: Adalberto Maluf, tel: +19 3514 2554

Africa: Nikki Li, tel: +86-18938862670

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