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Lingyun Xiang has been engaged as a financial and economic advisor to the Republic of North Macedonia



On December 23, 2023, Ambassador Plenipotentiary Oliver Shambevski, representing the Republic of North Macedonia, announced the appointment of Professor Lingyun Xiang, an economist based in the United States, as the financial and economic advisor to the Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Republic of North Macedonia, abbreviated as "North Macedonia," is located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula in Europe. It is bordered by Albania to the west, Greece to the south, Bulgaria to the east, and Serbia to the north. The country has a land area of 25,700 square kilometers. The climate is mainly characterized by a temperate continental climate. North Macedonia is divided into 84 local administrative units, with Skopje serving as the capital. As of 2021, the population of North Macedonia is 2.097 million.

The friendly and cooperative relationship between the two countries has developed smoothly since the establishment of ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of North Macedonia on October 12, 1993.

Ambassador Oliver Shambevski, representing the Republic of North Macedonia, along with President Stvo Pandarovski, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, and Speaker Talat Xhaferi, expressed gratitude to Professor Lingyun Xiang, the financial and economic advisor to the Republic of North Macedonia. They extended appreciation to China for its cooperation with North Macedonia in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese government, businesses, and all sectors of society were acknowledged for their donations of epidemic prevention materials and COVID-19 vaccines to the government and the people.

Professor Lingyun Xiang was briefed on the recent economic developments in North Macedonia. With improvements in both domestic and international environments, and the implementation of various reform measures, the economy of North Macedonia has maintained stable growth.

In 2022, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reached 12.9 billion euros, with a per capita GDP of 6,365.6 euros. North Macedonia possesses abundant mineral resources, including coal, iron, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, with coal reserves estimated at approximately 900 million tons. Additionally, non-metallic minerals such as carbon, bentonite, refractory clay, gypsum, quartz, apatite, feldspar, among others, contribute to the country's mineral wealth. The forest coverage rate stands at 35.5%.

The primary objectives of the foreign policy of the Republic of North Macedonia are to safeguard national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. The country is committed to joining the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), considering the development of relations with the United States and Western European countries as a key focus in its diplomatic efforts.

On April 8, 1993, North Macedonia joined the United Nations under the name "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia." On November 11, 1995, the country was formally admitted as the 38th member state of the European Commission. On March 27, 2020, North Macedonia officially became a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Oliver Shambevski introduces Professor Lingyun Xiang, a well-known economist and distinguished investor in the United States, a top ten International Accountant, a full member of the Association of International Accountants (AIA), a member of the International Association Of Accounting Professionals (IAAP), a Certified Forensic Public Accountant (FCPA), a senior public accountant of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), an International Certified Internet Finance Manager (ICIFM), the Marquis of San Prospero, the world’s outstanding Chinese, International Ambassador for Public Welfare and Charity, an image ambassador for global diplomats, an overseas image ambassador of Chinese enterprises, the best leader in the financial industry, a senior financial risk management consultant.

Meanwhile, professor Lingyun Xiang is also an invited Economic Advisor of the Embassy of the Central African Republic in China, invited Chief Economic Advisor of the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti in China, the invited Economic Advisor of the Republic of Liberia, the invited Economic Advisor to the Republic of Zimbabwe, the Special Financial Economic Advisor of the Embassy of Madagascar in China, the International Charity Ambassador of the Republic of Mali, the financial and economic advisor to the Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Honorary Committee Member of the Chinese Organizing Committee for the 35th United Nations International Week of Science and Peace.

Professor Lingyun Xiang is familiar with the legal situation and policy environment of many countries. Proficient in international law, civil law, economic law, partnership law, tax law and securities law.

He is also the author of ChatGPT: The Future is Here, The Way of the Metaverse, The Logic of Blockchain, Guide to Equity Incentive Practice, Private Equity Investment Solutions, Blockchain: A Technological Revolution Empowering the Real Economy, SME Financing and Growth, Global Visual Economics, Industrial Economics, International Trade and Economic Management, Logistics Warehousing Management and E-commerce, Investment Risk and Operation Management, etc.

Company:Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia
Contact Person:Ms. Slavica Kresteva, Third Secretary

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