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Get A Hot New Style With Amazon’s Best Seller KIPOZI


As covid-19 has forced barbershops and salons around the world to close, even the fussiest fashionistas have had to make do with coiffuring themselves. The new safety and health procedures being put forth are not without global precedent. Affected by the spread of COVID-19, life all over the world has seen new cautionary measures. Data from Google suggest that the pandemic has caused a global surge in DIY haircare. While not considered essential in many countries, people have suddenly realized how much they rely on their salons as a comforting source of self-care and community. While they aren’t necessarily crowded places, they require intimate interaction and at this time they just cannot comply with social distancing. People have been messaging their stylist asking what products they should buy and whether they should styles their own hair and many stylist are saying go for it now is the time to step up your style game. With many people not having access to barbers or stylist their locks have grown quite long. Your hair likely hasn’t been touched by a licensed professional in weeks, since salons and barbershops were among the first businesses many states ordered temporarily closed. What many don't know is longer hair is actually easier to style, the weight of the hair makes it easier to keep down. The challenge of styling your own hair is that the perspective isn’t always accurate while looking into a mirror.

If your hair is straight, it may be getting in your eyes. If it’s wavy or curly, it might be looking voluminous, and not in a good way, but whatever hair issue it is KIPOZI can help. People just want normalcy. Normalcy, as in being able to recognize the person staring back at you from the bathroom mirror. Not some frazzled stranger with crazy, shaggy, big, out-of-control hair. Thank fully, the experts at KIPOZI have created an innovative hair straightener to help lock in natural nutrients, for a visibly smoother appearance. KIPOZI is very popular in North America as well as in Europe. The KIPOZI hair straightener is for every hair type (even super curly-haired girls). They have earned tens of thousands of five-star reviews across the internet. This is the best-selling hair straightener you can buy in 2020. According to Amazon reviewers, this is the best flat iron money can buy, reviewers say it can press hair silky smooth in one pass, cut down on styling time, and is snag-free. For someone who has issues with frizz and coarseness, it completely changes the texture of your hair.

This clever hair straightener requires absolutely no styling skills to transform your hair into smoother strands, plus it won't sacrifice volume at the root or give hair that crunchy, too-straight look. The Floating PTC ceramic plates are coated with titanium for even heating and a silky smooth glide through the hair, and the temperature is adjustable up to 450ºF, so you can tweak it according to your hair type. Plus, with one-hour auto shut-off, you'll have peace of mind when you leave the house. Because the titanium iron is so thin and the plates go all the way to the edge of the clamp, it's able to nab frizz right at the root of the hair, making this iron perfect for stubborn frizz or super-curly hair. It can give curls that last for days, and it straightens hair super easy and quickly and takes out all the frizz. The plates add shine and speed up straightening and grasped hair better than other models. This iron can power through super thick (or long) hair in a fraction of the time of other irons. People are absolutely obsessed with this flat iron, and it has an astounding amount of great features. Though it looks high tech with an LCD screen, this budget-friendly straightener has impressed everywhere. It has dual voltage so it's safe for frequent travelers. This Beauty Breakthrough impressed with its quick heat-up time (under 30 seconds!) and automatic shut-off capabilities. Thanks to rounded edges and a universally convenient 1-inch plate, this flat iron is great for both straightening and curling hair. The plates are super smooth, which means no more snags or broken pieces of hair, even as you curl. Its technology ensures even heat across the entire plate for even styling.

While people are not attending parties and celebrations now is a great time for “stay inside gifts” to combat the boredom of quarantine. This product is a great gift idea as the gift of style and beauty is always in fashion. Get one for your mother, your lover, your sister, or anyone who's into looking gorgeous.

KIPOZI as a brand sees themselves as the gold standard of styling.  The guiding principles of the company are research and innovation in the field of beauty. With KIPOZI quality, price, packaging, consistency across product lines and effectiveness all come into play, with an aim to provide professional, fashionable, and high performance products. With their hair straighteners, they wanted to make them so that they would work on any hair type. The shape catches every hair, and it imparts a curl or straight look. The straighteners are light and ergonomic with a built in LCD display. With regard to their flat iron hair straighteners, the products are made with a nano titanium heating plate. They have a built in LCD that displays the real-time temperatures. The PTC heating elements “+/-”temperature control heats up rapidly with 230°C/ 450°F being the highest temperature and automatically shuts down in 1 hour. The products come with a Gift box and a velvet bag. KIPOZI has a lot of really great products to control your hair and make you beautiful no matter what the situation. Safety is KIPOZI's number one priority. KIPOZI has made it its job to step up and make great tools that work so that everybody can style safely. KIPOZI is a global brand, that immediately put together internal safety rules, then built on them during the novel coronavirus.

The global pandemic has prompted a seismic shift in every facet of our existence. A lot of us are alone and cut off from regular routines. The hairstyling community in the U.S. has been watching closely, experiencing a cocktail of emotions: fear, curiosity, and eagerness among them. Dozens of articles have popped up on how to Style your own hair and if you look up #DIYHaircut on Twitter there’s an endless stream of people giving themselves new styles. There has been a universal understanding of how to operate, which includes all of these health protocols to make sure that we as a global community are the safest we can be (health officials have warned that it might be too soon to loosen restrictions). While stay-at-home orders remain in place, we may not be able to have places to gather for a while. It’s inevitable things will shift permanently. Which makes this quarantine that much more difficult. We’re going to get through this and learn and grow from it. We are all looking forward to resuming the normality of life post-COVID.

KIPOZI wants you to know you are far from alone in a world. No matter what it will be a brand-new world post-pandemic, let KIPOZI help you look your best as you step out into it. Beauty routines play a huge role in our daily lives. KIPOZI has been a leader in home haircare and now more than ever they want to offer hair straightening tools that will make you look and feel your best. KIPOZI is working to provide a sense of family belonging and connection that’s reminiscent of what clients are accustomed to. Choose an easy to use KIPOZI hair straightener today, because it feels good to be able to do something when helplessness consumes our world right now. KIPOZI is providing this story for free. For more haircare coverage, visit In China KIPOZI experienced the COVID-19 situation and looks to shared their experiences to provided amazing support to others during this crisis. To help customers stay safe, KIPOZI's made a new service routine that accounts for clients budgets and will give discounts that will help people to stay at home and continue to style and look their best. Please check out this KIPOZI Hair Straightener for yourself at Amazon Online . This product normally retails for $37.06, but with this special promotional Code: KIPOZI36OFF you can have it for $19.72 (that is 36% off plus an additional $4 discount). Act now is this offers only available from June 4th 2020 to June 30th 2020.

KIPOZI Open Social Media Letter About The Novel Coronavirus

What We Can And Can't Control During A Crisis.

Instead of just publishing our regular text today: the entire KIPOZI team wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the feelings swirling around the global pandemic, COVID-19. We know how you the customers feel and we are working to make the lives of customers better every day. We all need to come together as a community to increase the peace and harmony in our society as we enter a new era.

We wanted to share our own perspective on how we're responding to this moment in our own business and in the broader community we're proud to serve. To acknowledge our shared truth: It's a stressful time. There's uncertainty. There's loss. There's fear about the future. We at KIPOZI wish to share a hopeful point of view: that even during moments of adversity, we can find stability in the things we can control and relief in letting go of the things we can't. Each of us on the KIPOZI team have learned this lesson in different ways. However, the lesson is universal, which is why it's a hopeful and unifying force to overcome fears, heal, and move forward. We are in this together.

Timing is never good for a crisis. We still have a devotion to our mission: To elevate people's lives with high quality goods. Contact us, at any time, and we'll be there for you. Let's all focus on our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our communities. From all of us to all of you, please be well, control what you can, and continue to look toward the future.

All the best,


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